Scholarship Program at Little Explorers
The goals of the scholarship program are to provide a school experience for children whose families cannot afford to do so and to provide diversity within the student body for the purpose of enriching the educational experience of all children.
The general policies for the administration of scholarships are outlined below:
1. At least one position in each class should always be filled by or kept open for a scholarship child, if possible. Other additional scholarship positions will be offered in the school as funds permit. Based on the scholarship applications received, LEDS may choose to award a full scholarship to one student in each class or divide the value into multiple partial scholarships. Current scholarship recipients, followed by other children currently enrolled in the preschool, regardless of current scholarship status, have priority over new scholarship applicants.
2. Scholarships are not awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, but on the basis of the guidelines given below, and on the basis of teacher recommendation.
3. Financial need is a prerequisite for receiving a scholarship. A guideline of income at 150% of the free/reduced price school lunch schedule used by the public schools will be utilized to help determine scholarship need; however, consideration for other financial hardships that are separate from total family income may be utilized as well. There will be a financial form for each applicant. The financial statement will be confidential and will be destroyed when the family leaves the school. A director must meet with prospective applicants to review the forms.
4. If several families in financial need apply for scholarships, the reduced price school lunch forms (provided by the public schools) will be used as a guideline to determine which family is in the greatest need. Preference is given to children in the following groups:
a. racial groups not adequately represented in the student body
b. cultural groups not adequately represented in the student body
c. children with disabilities, in special cases and with teacher approval
d. siblings of returning or former scholarship students
5. All scholarship applications from returning students should be processed by January 31. New scholarship students should be enrolled as quickly as possible after January 31.
To donate to the scholarship fund, you can:
Write a check to LEDS.
Email littleexplorersdiscovery@gmail.com the amount of your desired contribution to receive an online invoice.